A wide range of healing workshops are held throughout the year at various locations.

Vagus Nerve and Breathing
Awake your attention to your core support
This workshop aims to deepen your understanding of how yoga influences the neurological system, including its effects on the vagus nerve and core muscles. We will also explore the ethical principles of yoga, the Yamas and Niyamas, while incorporating practices such as asana, pranayama, and meditation.
Date for 2025: To Be Confirmed
Request more information or to be put onto the mailing list updates by emailing me at leaannfurphy@gmail.com
If you are a new student, it is your responsibility to complete and return a health questionnaire to me. It is crucial that you inform me of any health conditions or changes to your health. Your well-being is in your hands, and you should ensure that your home practice takes place in a safe environment. For returning students, please update your health form with any new information.

Chakra & Nadi System
A day of colour and energy. Learning the relationship of the the energy system to the physical system of the endocrine system. We will do a physical and mentally practice connecting ourselves with the energy system of the body. There will be vocal sounds with different asanas to stimulate the chakras and the associated area of the body. Working with vibration, sound and breath. This is for everyone as everything can be modified to suit your needs.
- To understand the chakra and nadi system, mentally and physically.
- To develop an awareness of the elements within the body. Earth, water, fire, air, ethia
- To fell the movement of breath & prana (life force) in the body.
- Perform beathing and asana practice to increase awareness and release and cleanse at a cellular level.
- Increase accuracy through seed sounds of charka while working in asana practice.
10am - 2.30pm
Date: TBC
Request more information and dates here

Awaking Shakti (Femmie energy)
Awake your attention to your core support
This workshop will enable you to feel and see your body from the inside out. There are so many muscles that are not being used which then cause us long term pain and discomfort. This is for all women of every age. Excellent for awaking the energy inside the pelvis, emotion that we have pushed down. Helping physical problems of incontinence, prolapse, tight hips & lower back pain.
Date: TBC
10am - 2.30pm
£45 per person including refreshments
Request more information or book here

Exploring the body from the inside out
Awaking your attention to your core support on a physical (muscles) neurological (nervous) and mental (emotional). How you can alter and effect your body through a loving practice. De-stress the organs and become aware of the main nerve from the stomach to to brain stem (the vagus nerve). You will go home with hand outs so you can continue the benefits of the day and transform your own ability to stay healthy. Changing on a sub-concise level, deep into the cells memory, all with the power of your breath in a mindful moving practice.
- Learn to use the breath as your investigation tool.
- To physically become aware of your core muscles, through practical practice.
- To understand the emotional effects on the core strength.
- To take away an exercise plan so you can continue the practice at home.
- Encourage an attitude of curiosity with your body.
- Taking part in asana, pranayama (breath) and mediation to enhance the feeling of core.
This can help with
- Improving digestion
- Neck pain and arm numbness
- Depression
- Stressed states
- Behaviour disorder
- And loads more. Enabling you to improve your body’s function
10am - 2.30pm
£45 per person including refreshments
Request more information here